Sunday 2 January 2011

News Feeds

A common staple in the majority of news websites is the news feed. It's something that has stuck with me as important as it is constantly updated and is the newest 'news'. It cannot be more current than a "BREAKING NEWS" banner that fades to more breaking news.

 I looked at the BBC news banner and the Guardian banner and they are both very similar. Both have a slide show effect in which the subject of the news stays for around 5 seconds then fades to another piece of news. you can choose to skip to different articles or pause the current article and click through to view the whole story. 

I like the fact you can click through to view the rest of the page as it introduces the reader to other things than the static articles on the home page therefore their experience of the website is broadened.

The 'Just Published' box is from The Sun website and is a variation on the news banner. It has a just published, most read, and most discussed news stories. This encapsulates everything the other banners do but adds more for the readers to do. The most discussed section is very clever as it isn't down to the makers of the website to produce the sections most discussed topics. The readers discuss the articles therefore other readers see the almost 'reputation' of the article and are more likely to read it.

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